Environmental, Health and Safety

Mattson Technology’s commitment to the environment and to health and safety are expressed in our policies and practices. Mattson Technology is certified to comply with the stringent requirements of the ISO 14001: 2015 Environmental Standard and ISO 45001:2018 Occupational Health & Safety Management Systems.


Mattson Technology embraces its role as a corporate steward through our efforts to preserve and protect the environment. It is our policy to assure the environmental integrity of our processes and facilities. This is achieved through an environmental management system that assures compliance to both legal and other environmental requirements to which we subscribe, the efficient use of resources, waste reduction, and that strives to prevent the release of materials to the environment in which we all live. Through our continual improvement processes, we will pursue opportunities to become the environmental leader in each of our business segments.

Health and Safety

Our health and safety goal is to send all of our employees home safe and healthy each and every day.

Environmental, Health and Safety Policy

Protecting the environment, as well as the health, and safety (EHS) of all Mattson workers is of paramount value to our business and stakeholders.

EHS Principles:

  • Constant vigilance by all to identify hazards and mitigate their risks,
  • Ensuring integrity of our processes and facilities,
  • Having a risk-based process in place for the identification, classification, prioritization and control of hazards and risks,
  • Setting annual objectives that are based on the continuous improvement of our EHS performance,
  • Meeting or exceeding all applicable laws and Mattson Corporate EHS Standards, whichever is the highest standard,
  • Recognizing the contributions of our employees and support personnel in our environmental and occupational health and safety programs,
  • Instilling a compelling desire to always do better in the area of EHS,
  • Prevention of injuries and illnesses in the workplace and minimizing environmental impacts (pollution prevention) are good business practices and a benefit to stakeholders.

Product Life Cycle – Mattson Tool End of Life Guidance

Mattson recommends decontaminating chambers and associated parts that may have come into contact with hazardous materials and then removing electronic components before disposing of tools. 

Please refer to local regulations for disposal.